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Politics of Thursday, 22 June 2017


NDC condemns Dr. Zubeiru’s comments

Dr Edward Omane Boamah is former Communications and Information minister Dr Edward Omane Boamah is former Communications and Information minister

The Eastern Regional secretariat of the National Democratic Congress has learnt with great shock and displeasure, radio commentaries made by one Dr. Ibrahim Zubeiru among others, blaming two appointees of the erstwhile John Dramani Mahama regime specifically, Dr. Edward Omane Boamah and Hon. Seth Terkper for the party’s defeat at the 2016 polls. As an executive committee, we condemn his comments unreservedly!

We find this attitude not only backward and disappointing, but also disrespectful and an act of indiscipline.

In the first place, we are surprised the said Dr. Zubeiru is being reported as a member of the Prof. Kwasi Botchwey-led Election Review Committee because we can say on authority as Regional executives that he never participated in the fact finding exercise in our region.

Indeed, checks from colleague regional executives in other regions corroborate this position. Is obvious he was just a committee member by name and NEVER got onto the field especially in the Eastern region. We are therefore at a lost as to why such a passive committee member would be jumping from one radio station to the another in an attempt to cast a slur on the image of colleague comrades, if not for a personal agenda.

As a Regional executive Committee and members of the National Executive Committee NEC (five of us), we can boldly say that Dr. Zubeiru was only trying to smuggle his personal opinion into the committee’s report since NOWHERE in the submitted report are those comments he made captured. We wonder why he is struggling hard to discredit the quality of the report submitted by the committee with those unfortunate comments.

The appointees he sought to denigrate have obviously been very helpful and instrumental in the growth of the party at the national level in general and the Eastern Region in particular, together with other prominent members. Why therefore must such active and helpful party members be subjected to these baseless accusations?

Dr. Zubeiru should be mindful of the clarion call from the rank and file of our great party for unity and reorganization so we can recapture power in 2020. We urge him to take inspiration from leading members like His Excellency John Dramani Mahama and even his committee chairman- Prof. Kwasi Botchwey and desist from this needless media commentary he has commenced with regards to the submitted report.

We went into the election as a team with a united front hoping for a resounding victory. We should therefore collectively accept responsibility for our loss much as we would have done if we had won. It is therefore in nobody’s interest to be pointing accusing fingers abt others at a time when we are all gearing up to reorganize and recapture power; especially when those accusations are baseless and pure fabrications. We plead with all rank and file to disregard Dr Zubeiru’s comments and call on National Executives to take action on this anti-party conduct.


BISMARK TAWIAH BOATENG Eastern Regional Chairman, NDC